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Published awards and achievements
2021: Five Dates with the Billionaire achieves USA Today Bestseller status
2019: Seduced by the Enemy was a finalist in the Australian Romance Reader Awards in the category of Favourite Romance Hero and Heroine
2016: The Billionaire Meets His Match reached #26 on Best Seller List and achieved Mover and Shaker ranking
2015: Roses for Sophie achieved Bestseller status (ranked #15)
2015: Echoes of the Heart achieved #1 Bestseller status
2014: Knight of Her Heart achieved Bestseller status in the Medieval Romance category
2013: Mistaken Identity achieved a nomination and finalist status in the Australian Romance Readers Award for ‘Sexiest Hero’


Prior to publication
2004: Finalist in the RWA Emma Darcy Awards with A Dangerous Deception
2006: Finalist in the RWA Valerie Parv Award with Cover-up Bride
2006: Commended in the Romance Writers of New Zealand Clendon Award
2007: Finalist in the RWA Valerie Parv Award with An Affair of Convenience
2013: Finalist in the RWA First Kiss Contest with The Lost Princess of Rhajia
2013: Finalist in the RWA Valerie Parv Award with The Lost Princess of Rhajia


Professional Affiliations

Romance Writers of Australia

Australian Romance Readers Association

Breathless in the Bush

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